Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cleaning Part 2

Earlier, I began to tell about learning to clean out the cages.I want to share the next part of the process. When Audine and I were out, Stephanie was able to get Devon's cage all nice and clean and ready to get back in his temporary home.
Devon all tired out from his morning walk. 
Next, we began to clean out one of the other cages. Cinnamon and Katie were  next on our cleaning list. If you look at the cages with our precious furry friends, you would not know what all is done but I am
Cleaning food bowels. 
glad to learn about  all the care that is given to insure they are so protected. These to stayed in a small crate while we cleaned. First we had to remove the newspaper and shredding from their cages. Then we used a hand towel soaked in the bleach/water mix. We cleaned the sides, the bottom and the top of the cage with the cleaner.

While those dried, we took the water dish and let it soak in the bleach mix and the food dish and let it soak in the soap and water mix. Then we dipped them in the clean water and lay them on the towel to air dry. (The bleach will evaporate during this step).

The last step in cleaning the cages is to lay a few layers of newspaper flat on the bottom. Then get the long shredded paper and put enough for our small furry friends to "nest" comfortably. Then we put their water bowels back in their correct places and attached them with the cable ties to the doors. Then, back to their temporary homes the sweet pups went. Phew, I was getting tired just watching all of this!

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